Thursday, March 1, 2018

Weekly E-Pistle for Sunday 03/04/18

This Sunday, March 4th

Holy Communion - 10AM at Holy Trinity
All are welcome to receive Communion!

The third covenant in this year's Lenten readings is the central one of Israel's history: the gift of the law to those God freed from slavery. The ten commandments are one of the chief parts of Luther's catechism, a core piece of baptismal instruction. They begin with the statement that because God alone has freed us from the powers that oppressed us, we are to let nothing else claim first place in our lives. When Jesus throws the merchants out of the temple, he is defending the worship of God alone and rejecting the ways commerce and profit-making can become our gods.

Sunday's readings: 
Serving God on Sunday March 4th

Assisting Minister: Holy Trinity
Crucifer/Acolyte: Holy Trinity
Lector: Holy Trinity
Ushers: Holy Trinity
Organist/Pianist:  Cesar Cancino
Flowers: Holy Trinity
Fellowship: Holy Trinity
Sacristans: Holy Trinity
Counters:  Anita Patten, Wayne Olson
Janitorial:  Judy Faye
Groundskeeper:  Matt Thelen

Worship Schedule
Worship schedules will continue to rotate on a monthly basis in 2018:

March 2018 10:00 a.m. Worship Service at St. Paul's.

Lenten Soup Suppers will be on Thursday's each week of the Lenten Season. Supper will begin at 6 p.m.  After supper there will be a brief study period followed by the Holden Evening Prayer Service ending at 7:30 p.m.

City to Host Workshops on Permanent Supportive Housing 
Permanent SupportiveHousing (PSH) is a successful, evidence-based intervention model that permanently moves people out of homelessness by providing residential housing and intensive, on-site support services for residents. Immediately addressing the need for housing, PSH tenants are provided with a key and a lease and PSH management partners offer 24-hour on-site services including case management, mental health services, healthcare, employment assistance, substance abuse counseling, and other critical resources.

In December 2017, the City purchased two adjacent properties with buildings at 2118 and 2134-2136 Sacramento Street to develop as PSH, utilizing funding sources that included more than $630,000 from the Participatory Budgeting Cycle 2 Project "Help the Homeless." The City has identified additional one-time federal funding for the construction of new units onsite. 

To inform the community of the City's strategy to address homelessness through new PSH, the City will be hosting two educational workshops on March 1 and March 6 beginning at 7:00 p.m. On March 1, the workshop will be held during the Housing & Community Development Commission Meeting, located at City Council Chambers at City Hall. On March 6, the workshop will be held at JFK's Joseph Room.

For additional information contact Will Morat, Interim Housing & Community Development Manager, by email or by phone at (707) 648- 4109.

ELCA Presiding Bishop Response to Florida Shooting

Feb. 16, 2018

A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled because they are no more (Matthew 2:18).

As we live into these first days and weeks of Lent, we do so riveted by the news of another tragic mass shooting, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Ash Wednesday. My heart, like yours, is filled with anguish; my spirit, like yours, laments. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be consoled because they are no more, and so do we.

We pray for the inconsolable loved ones and for the shooter and his family, for those terrorized by what took place and those who are unmoved. We acknowledge our own failings and ask God to guide us in finding new ways to turn the tide together on both the availability of assault weapons and the lack of mental health care.

But we know that those things alone won't solve this epidemic. All of us, including the church, must take a close look at ourselves. How are we cultivating a culture of violence, hatred, anger and fear, and how can we participate in building a counter-culture where people can experience God's intended peace and life abundant for all?

Lent is a time for lamentation, dwelling with our sorrow, and facing the painful reality of death. We take each step certain that God weeps with us, walks with us in our deepest sufferings, and in the end makes the ultimate sacrifice for us - through death on a cross. This is our strength for the journey.
A prayer offered by Bishop Pedro Suárez, Florida-Bahamas Synod:

Dear loving God,
There are so many things we don't understand about our world. We might not know how the families and friends of the victims of today's shooting are feeling. But we do care. May they feel your presence in spirit through those that are accompanying them right now.

Help us to be mindful of the pain around us and to do something about it. We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

God's peace,
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Thursday Evenings in Lent

Soup Supper, Study, and Holden Evening Prayer Service

Who: St. Paul's and Holy Trinity.

What: During Lent, St. Paul's and Holy Trinity are hosting Thursday evening Lenten soup suppers, and a five-part, five week, Lenten study on the five "I am" statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John, and ending each Thursday evening with the Holden Evening Prayer service.

When: For five consecutive Thursday evenings in Lent, beginning at 6pm and ending by 7:30pm on Thursdays, February 22nd through March 22nd.
Where: Thursday evening, February 22nd will be at St. Paul's; March 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd will be at Holy Trinity.

Why: To provide a midweek Lenten experience where food will be shared, where the five "I am" statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John will be explored, and where those gathered together will share in the music and beauty of Marty Haugen's Holden Evening Prayer Service.

The five part, five week Lenten study is based on Karoline Lewis's The Call to "I AM": A Five-Part Lenten Series:
Please click on the link to review the weekly study topics.

To listen to a recording of the Holden Evening Prayer Service, please click on the link:

Dean Ahlberg
Co-chair of the consolidated St. Paul's and Holy Trinity Worship Committees

On Going Building and Property Survey

Don Ockrassa and Craig Pyle are in the process of doing a building and property survey as a part of the Consolidation Process. They are compiling a list of building problems and needs both of the main church property and the remaining annex property.

They will be accepting written lists of what individual church members see as needs. Hand your written observations to either Don or Craig.

Sometimes we live with problems so long that eventually we don't even see that they are there so your input may be an important supplement to their list. The word "written" is important. If it is important, it is worth writing down. Also there is the old saying, "What goes in one ear goes out the other." 

Support Don's and Craig's hard work by writing your observations down. Once all needs have been identified, they will attempt to assign estimated costs to put things in order. A similar process is going on at Holy Trinity. Your lists should be turned in over the next month.

Submitted by: Judy Faye

Celebrating March Birthdays

2-Jan Jackson
7-Isabella Rose Domingo
23-Cindy Poehls
27-Karen Spears
31-Louisa Johnson

Note:  I am in the process of reconstructing the monthly birthday list.  If I get it wrong or someone is left out for the month, please let me know.  Contact me at or call or text me at (707) 980-9667.

Opportunities for Study
Draft Social Statement on Women and Justice.  This is a process statement from the ELCA and feedback from both women and men is sought.  You can take a look at the statement and print it out at This is an interesting and challenging discussion for us to engage in and broad participation is encouraged.  We will meet downstairs at Saint Paul's at 8:00AM during the month of February.

Martha Circle, women's Bible Study using "Gather" magazine meets the third Thursday of each month in Fellowship Hall at St. Paul's.  Bring your own bag lunch and dessert will be served by the monthly hostess. 

Opportunities for Service
Joint choir practice will meet upstairs at Holy Trinity at 8:45 AM.  Matt Hervey will direct while Dean Ahlberg is away.  New singers are always welcome.

Food Basket Sunday.  The first Sunday of each month when we are having service at St. Paul's.  Food donations go to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties.
Brown Bag Lunches for distribution to the homeless are located in Fellowship Hall.
Sewing Ministry:  The 1st Thursday of every month in Fellowship Hall from 1 to 4 pm.  Both women and men are welcome.  No prior sewing experience is required.
Kindly Remember
Submissions to The Weekly e-pistle are due on Tuesday of each week as we agreed to at our Congregation Meeting.  If you submit an article late, and it still has significance for the next week it will be included then. 

Know Your Church Council
Don Ockrassa, President  (510) 719-7730,
Craig Pyle, Vice President (707) 645-7092,
Keith Domingo, Secretary (707) 373-2774,
Corie Hervey, returning member (510) 691-2728
Kim Hervey, new member (707) 334-4872 (Use text messaging)
Kathy Sutin , Church Treasurer, Ex officio member (707) 333-0150 (use text messaging)
Rev. Dr. Dawn Roginski (650) 771-4241
Please know that you are free to contact your council members with questions you might have about church governance.  Remember to be patient while waiting for a response as most council members hold full time jobs and volunteer their free time to the church.  They will get back to you as soon as possible.  You are also welcome to attend council meetings with the exception of occasional closed executive sessions dealing with such things as personnel matters.  If you wish to get something on the council agenda for a regular council meeting, contact Keith Domingo.  If you wish to view council minutes, they are on file in the office.  Any council member can help you access these.  Remember if you are viewing minutes, they do not become final and official until approved at the next meeting.

Mutual Ministry Committee / 
Comments from Pr. Dawn.
The ELCA strongly suggests that all congregations have a mutual ministry committee comprised of the pastor and members of the congregation. There are many models for this group, and the model chosen for St. Paul's is a pastor-driven committee. This committee is there to discuss concerns, joys, and struggles from the congregation as well as any questions the pastor has. It is also a place for new ideas to be tested, as the committee members listen for comments being made by others. There is always a preference to bring any concerns directly to the pastor, but if that is not possible, these are the people to bring them to. At this time, the committee members are Karen Spears and Judy Faye.

"Without the discipline of prayer, the world retains its illusions. Without an hour of public prayers, or half hour of private prayer, or ten minutes of quiet meditation, or saying a brief prayer of gratitude before or after a meal, we forget that God is present in the world and in our life. When we remember to pray in the morning, when we are mindful of the present moment, when we set apart Saturday or Sunday as the Sabbath, God's special day of the week, then all of life, and all times and places, and all people that we see are transformed by the light of God. The more we pray--in the sense of living a prayerful life--the more we desire to be with God in prayer. Prayer creates in us a hunger and thirst to be with the One whom we have see shining through nature and moments in time, people and events." -Henri Nouwen-SPIRITUAL FORMATION 

Christ's Care List

(Recent Additions or Updates)

Gary Schumacher has been diagnosed with stage 3, non-small cell lung cancer. He has begun chemo treatments and will soon start radiation.

Anita Patten recent gall bladder surgery.

Lisa Olson recently hospitalized and struggling with proper diagnosis issues and medication adjustments.

Louisa Johnson in rehabilitation.

Keith Domingo broke his arm and will have surgery this Friday, March 2.

Keith also requests prayers that God will give Sonya strength in caring for both him and her brother at the same time.

For all those impacted by the recent shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. Pray for the families of those killed and wounded and the traumatized survivors. Pray also for the shooter and his family. Pray for for yourself and all Americans that we will not become numb to these incidents, nor accept them as normal. Lead us to individual and corporate action to address the violence in our country.

Healing of body, mind, and spirit...

Eugene Duquettee, diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and his sister, Sonya Domingo, as she cares for him.

The family of Carmen Harnish coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and still without electricity.

Don Stradal (Pr. Dawns father) in rehab struggling to learn to cope with falling and lifting himself after a fall.

Those Who Grieve:

The family of Colleen Jolly, wife of Bob Jolly, cousin of Karen Spears. 

The Family of Dee Fix

Those Who Need Long Term Prayer:

Margaret Cole
Anna Hervey
Jan Jackson
Louisa Johnson and Don Johnson (as he provides care for Louisa)
Gladys Jones (Kathy Campas-Sutin's mother)
Caryl Kroan
Angelika Shanley
Robin Slusher as she navigates the legal process in pursuit of justice for her granddaughter and other children at risk. 

We also pray for:
  • Those affected by hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters. Your support through Lutheran Disaster Response will bring hope and healing to those who have or will be affected. Donations can be made on line at ( or call (800)638-3522. 
  • Pray for an end to acts of terrorism and hatred in our country and around the world. Pray also for those who hate that their hearts might be changed. 
  • The communities of both St. Paul's and Holy Trinity as we continue to explore the possibility of consolidation.
  • An end to racism and its injustice
  • A just and lasting peace in the Holy Land
  • Refugees
  • Those serving the armed forces.

Please Note:

If you wish to add new prayer requests please contact Judy Faye at, or (707) 980-9667 or (707) 557-4531. When submitting new names, be sure to use an identifier such as friend of Karen Spears or daughter of Jessica Nelson. Also briefly tell us the reason you are requesting prayers such as recent surgery so people will know what to pray for. If you see names on the list that it is time to remove, your own, or an old submission please let Judy know. With the exception of the Long Term Category, Council has recommended that names will be placed on the list for one month and then removed unless a new request with an update is submitted. If a name disappears that you want to stay in, just contact Judy with the reason you are requesting continuing prayer and she will add it back. 

St. Paul's Lutheran Church
The Reverend Dr. Dawn Roginski
650.771.4241 (cell)
707-643-5761 (Church)
1300 Tuolumne Street
Vallejo, California 94590
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1300 Tuolumne Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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